Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Yesterday was Vinayagar Caturthi festival. Visited the Thokaiyadi Vinayagar Temple, the new building nearing completion. Met many former Cheras 2 1/2 mls folks. All the people I know are old and the newer generation has grown - presenting unfamiliar faces. Set me thinking back on the good old days - such a fertile plot for literature. Got to embark on my writing again.

liberator of bakasura

liberator of bakasura
krsna art line drawings by Rasa Rasa Rasika Devi Dasi (2002)


the new flower by chandramugila (2003)

About Me

i am a writer working with an English daily for the past 14 years. I specialise in environmental journalism and review art and culture.


slum child's pet

slum child's pet
a duckling being kept as a pet by a slum child in Manila.