Wednesday, December 24, 2008

talkative one instance

I find myself extremely chatty today. wish I could translate all that chattiness into writing as generally I suffer from writer's block. But once I start the writing, the flow if uninterrupted by reasoning is incessant and gems spill out. How I wish I can write the same way I talk.
I'm amazed that some writers actually can complete writing a short story or even a mini novel at one sitting. I think they must have learnt the art of spontaneously capturing their flowing thoughts without letting it spill into chatter or empty reminiscence.
I guess these writers have mastered the art of stilling the physical body just like a yogi, into total inaction (except for the fingers that is) to unleash and spontaneously record their flow of thoughts.
If I were able to do that I would already have been the author of numerous books by now. As it is I am the to-be author of numerous just-begun and in-progress manuscripts lying in my files and batched within my `to-do' paperbag.


MJ said...

Iknow what you mean. I am writing a book an can never seem to get to it. I let everything else become the priority!

raasartscircle said...

sorry for the late reply to your comment. Thank You. Keep in touch.

liberator of bakasura

liberator of bakasura
krsna art line drawings by Rasa Rasa Rasika Devi Dasi (2002)


the new flower by chandramugila (2003)

About Me

i am a writer working with an English daily for the past 14 years. I specialise in environmental journalism and review art and culture.


slum child's pet

slum child's pet
a duckling being kept as a pet by a slum child in Manila.