Monday, August 17, 2009

What is it that makes my writings exciting and enthralling to me one day and boring and lacking as I read it on another day. The positive days increase my enthusiasm to continue with my writings while the negative phase undermines my self confidence and makes me shun away from my works. On a balanced note, I admit that my works have the potential to turn me into an internationally renowned artist, however this state of mind cannot be sustained for too long. Now I am back on the positive mood and I hope this time around I will manage to get some work done and thus motivate me to change my mind's focus to become geared towards my writing career. If I can keep this momentum for at least a few months then I can climb back into the saddle and continue my ride for a much longer if not permanently.

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liberator of bakasura

liberator of bakasura
krsna art line drawings by Rasa Rasa Rasika Devi Dasi (2002)


the new flower by chandramugila (2003)

About Me

i am a writer working with an English daily for the past 14 years. I specialise in environmental journalism and review art and culture.


slum child's pet

slum child's pet
a duckling being kept as a pet by a slum child in Manila.