Tuesday, May 22, 2007

live art

The quest for truth, living a meaningful life isn't this what art is all about. I need not shed off my clothes or start a string of affairs or do everything differently from the masses to become an artist.
In fact as I see it art is about pursuing a life of truth against all odds, not conforming to the dictates of wrongdoers, not blindly following an untruthful and unjust establishment - which means all establishments of this modern, capitalist world.
If every person lives according to his or her conscience he is living art. He thus earns the license to create works of art be it in drawing, painting, drama, music or literature. Indeed everything that he creates is art just as an innocent child's focussed scribbling, babbling, dancing or play is artistic and delightful to behold.
This is what we call naive art. A concerted effort by the artist to improve himself usually through training produces more complicated artforms such as realistic and abstract art.
If all the world's people are artists would life on earth become a true blessing.

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liberator of bakasura

liberator of bakasura
krsna art line drawings by Rasa Rasa Rasika Devi Dasi (2002)


the new flower by chandramugila (2003)

About Me

i am a writer working with an English daily for the past 14 years. I specialise in environmental journalism and review art and culture.


slum child's pet

slum child's pet
a duckling being kept as a pet by a slum child in Manila.